What we do

Sleaford and District Ramblers Group is part of the Lincolnshire Area of the Ramblers Association, a registered charity at the heart of walking.   The Group was formed in 1982 when 6 members set out on the first walk;  we now have about 80 members and can have up to 30 ramblers on any one walk. 

We have a ramble every other Sunday which is usually about 8 to 10 miles and lasts for 4 to 5 hours.

In the Summer we have a ramble every Thursday evening which is usually about 4 to  5 miles and lasts for about 2 hours

Once a year we have a coach trip to visit an area further from home (such as Norfolk, the Peak District or Leicestershire).   We aim to offer a choice of a longer or shorter walk, or sightseeing for those who prefer.   We also have a meal or other social event about 4 times a year.

Everyone is welcome to join us and you can go on three of our rambles before making a decision to become a member. Just contact us here and we will send you a programme of our walks or see the walk programme shown on the next page;  choose a walk and go to the location as detailed on the programme;  introduce yourself to the walk leader and that is it, you are on your first walk with us.

Once you join you can walk with any Rambler Group within the UK. A list of all Ramblers walks can be found on the Ramblers website.   Within 20 miles of Sleaford there are 5 other groups so there is usually a walk available locally on a day and at a time which suits you.