Made in Dagenham - This is a musical by Downfield Musical Society being performed in the Whitehall Theatre, Dundee. Tickets are £20 including booking fee. Performance starts at 7.30pm but please meet in the bar at 7.00pm to collect your ticket. To book please TEXT Jean MacGillivray on 07932014859 by 31st August.
How to pay - If at all possible please pay by bank transfer quoting THEATRE in the reference (by 31st August) to:
Name on Account: The Ramblers Association CF5
Name of bank: Unity Trust Bank
Sort Code: 60 83 01
Account Number: 20147998
If it is absolutely impossible to pay by bank transfer you can send a cheque made payable to: The Ramblers Association CF5
to Frances Pogorzelec, 11 Clarence Road, Dundee, DD4 7HP and failing that give cash to Frances.
Please note: If paying by cash or cheque, please add a bank processing fee of 50p for cash and 30p for cheques to your payment.