The BNO Garden Party is open to all BNO members whether you walk regularly or not, plus those Ramblers from elsewhere who walk with us. It will be on a 'bring a plate to share' basis. If you wish to attend but not share food that will be fine. Please email today to let us know either: 'yes I'm coming' or 'maybe, I'll let you know very soon'. Offers to help on the day will be welcomed. More details (including the actual location) to follow nearer the time to those who show interest. Registered Assistance Dogs only. . . . . . Led by: BNO Committee . . . . Contact 07505 023246
The website link (above or below) gives more details on the start point; . . . . . The email form supplied will go directly to the walk leader . . . . . The Finish Time is an estimate and timings on the day may be significantly different due to weather conditions and the particular group of talkers.