A moderate-to brisk-paced walk led by Adrian W (Mobile No: 07484 864496 - day of walk only) jointly with the Kensington, Chelsea & Westminster Group. Route: Alice Holt Forest, Batt’s Corner, Frensham Manor, Frensham Great Pond, Crosswater, The Devil’s Jumps, The Flashes, Frensham Common, Frensham, Spreakley, West End Lane, Alice Holt Forest. Rolling terrain, woods, sandy heaths, only one steep climb, up the Devil’s Jumps, optional but recommended for the view. Lunch will be a picnic, but stops will be made at the Alice Holt Forest Visitor Centre and the Frensham Pond Hotel. No drop-out except by taxi. Map: E144/E145/E133(OL33)/E120(OL8), L186/197.