This is a fairly easy urban walk, mostly on paved surfaces. The route features two of Sheffield's rivers, some interesting gennels (as in Weird Walks - 1 last week) and bits of local history.
Catch the 75a bus at 9:57 from Arundel Gate AG123, getting off at London Rd/St Mary's Gate bus stop. (Other buses also stop here, eg 97, 98, 20, 42, 43.) Cross over London Road to the start point - leader will meet at the start.
We start from the Chinese Fireworks Co. (near Tarn Thai restaurant) at the bottom of London Road at 10:15. From there we walk up the Porter Brook trail to Hunters Bar. Then we follow part of Sheffield Round Walk to connect with the River Sheaf Walk, which leads us back towards town. We finish on Queen's Road at Lowfield, where there are buses back to the city centre, also from nearby London Road.
You can see the route by clicking on the small map icon.
Please contact the leader in advance if you have not walked with the group before.
No dogs please.