What we do


Why Join Bromley Ramblers?


  • Discover new walks in and around the green borough of Bromley and beyond.
    We run 2-3 different length and grade walks most weeks, getting out to woods, fields and hills.
  • Our walks are led by local walk leaders.
    There are no worries about getting lost or finding your way on your own.
  • Make new friends that have similar interests to yourself or interact with those that don’t!
    Interacting with people is good for your wellbeing, our walks provide the opportunity to   interact  with people of all ages, in a safe environment.
  • Add structure to your week, with regular scheduled walks on Saturday, Sunday and Wednesday.
    We all need a bit of structure, particularly if we are lonely or going through life changes, such as bereavement or retirement.
  • No age limit
    Anyone who can walk the advertised walk length, can join a Bromley Ramblers Walk.
  • Improve your mental well-being, by being out in the countryside, close to nature.
    It has been shown that walking outdoors can reduce stress, anxiety and fear, lifts your mood and helps you sleep better.”
  • Improve your physical well being by including some exercise in your week. 
    It has been shown that walking can improve your cardiovascular health, lower blood pressure and reduce your risk of diabetes and osteoporosis. In short it helps extend your life!”


We look forward to you joining us!