What we do

HWW and what we do

Key Contacts

Principal Contact: Liz Nolan (contact@hertsww.org.uk)

Membership Co-ordinator: Sarah Crompton (membership@hertsww.org.uk)

Walks Editor: Claire Locker (newwalks@hertsww.org.uk)

Webmaster: Nigel Cornish (webmaster@hertsww.org.uk)

Bulletin Editor: Suzanne Murphy (bulletin@hertsww.org.uk)

Other Co-ordination Team members:
Melissa Bach (finances), David Kay (technical consultant), Mark Nolan, Andy Caisey (walk leaders' coordinator); Eva Sundman (trips away)

For enquiries about specific walks, please contact the individual walk leader(s)

Our Walks

We normally walk only on the weekend. Our walks usually start in the afternoon and mainly on a Saturday. We sometimes walk on the Sunday and on Bank Holidays. As we are a group based on the whole of Hertfordshire our walks can start from anywhere in Hertfordshire.