What we do
Lower Wye Rambles book
To celebrate our tenth anniversary in 2003, we put our favourite walks into a book, Lower Wye Rambles.
The idea was to encourage people to explore, and discover, the delights of the Lower Wye Valley. Most of the walks take about half a day, though some do need a full day.
The book is now in its fifth printing and to date we have sold over 8000 copies.
The profits from the booklet are used to improve the local footpath network. We have already given over £10000 to County Rights of Way departments and Wildlife Trusts to replace stiles, gates and footbridges. We hope to continue to do more in the future.
The new edition of the booklet contains several improvements that will make it an essential companion for anybody planning to walk in the area. Hand-drawn routes have been replaced with Ordnance Survey map extracts. Also, each walk now has a schematic diagram showing ascents and descents and helpful gradings that indicate the level of difficulty of the walk.
Lower Wye Rambles, which details 16 walks in this beautiful area, costs only £4.80.
Copies are available in person or online from The Chepstow Bookshop
12 Short Walks in the Lower Wye Area
This is a collection of shorter walks with descriptions that are suitable for use by walkers who are not familiar with the complexities of the use of Ordnance Survey maps and the sometimes baffling jargon that accompanies them. There is no mention of grid references or compass bearings or contour lines. The path descriptions are made in short steps that are numbered on the maps that are easy to follow. Distance are given in both miles and kilometres.
They are all within easy access from Chepstow and Monmouth. Some are in the Wye Valley and others close by. All are moderate and mostly avoid stiles and steep ground and can be done in a couple of hours or an easy half day or evening in summer months. Some finish near a pub. The start points can be identified using a road map.
Clink on the link below to access the walks in .pdf format.