
Circular walk around the Isle of Portland. While not beautiful, it is rugged and full of interest with some impressive cliff scenery and splendid views.
8.7 miles (14 km)
Walking time:
04h 30m

Start location

New Ground parking area SY690731

lat: 50.5570101

lon: -2.4389427




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Getting there

No 1 bus from Weymouth to Portland (frequent daily services); also an open top bus (501) in the summer. Trains from Weymouth to Dorchester, London etc. Traveline: 0871 200 2233,



From the New Ground parking area (SY690731) head east along the green (parallel to the road) keeping close to the wooden fence to enjoy the views. You’ll pass an information board about the Verne Local Nature Reserve. Continue along the road towards the Verne Citadel, a huge fortress built by convicts in the 19th century to defend Portland Harbour.


Follow the road as it bends right passing on your left Fancy’s Family Farm. Continue along the rough road beside the high security fence on your left. Over to your right is the Verne High Angle Battery. Keep ahead along the track over open ground, following the Coastal Path. When you reach the Old Engine Shed, situated on the cliffs above the East Weares (information panels provide more details), bear right as signed then left along a road, keeping a high fence on your right (Young Offenders Institution). There are good views eastwards towards the chalk cliffs of mainland Dorset. Continue until just before a tall chimney where you’ll see a blue Coast Path sign pointing left.


Turn sharp left downhill and at the bottom turn right along the route of the old railway line. From the ruins of Rufus Castle steps lead on down past Church Ope Cove (detour right to see the 13th century church ruins).


Continue along the coast following the Coast Path when it heads back uphill and turns left along the road for a about 500m before turning off left along a footpath back to the coast. Continue along the top of low cliffs to Portland Bill.


The return leg along the west side of Portland provides fine airy cliff top walking with great views. It is straightforward enough but there are a couple of short signed diversions (through adjoining quarries) north of Weston. Allow time to explore the sculptures in the old Tout Quarry near the end. At a tarmac path junction leave the Coast Path and turn right signed for New Ground to return to the start.

Problem with this route?

If you encounter a problem on this walk, please let us know by emailing If the issue is with a public path or access please also contact the local highways authority directly, or find out more about solving problems on public paths on our website.

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