Greater Manchester’s GM Ringway is close to completion
Major new route opens up new walking opportunities

17 May 2024
After several years of committed work by volunteers from the Ramblers and CPRE, the countryside charity, Greater Manchester’s walking trail, the GM Ringway is nearing completion.
Covering all ten boroughs of the city-region, the trail explores an astonishing variety of natural and historical sites including parks, waterways and beautiful countryside. In addition to its natural beauty, the GM Ringway also allows residents and visitors to explore Greater Manchester’s rich cultural heritage. Green in every way, the entire 200-mile (322-km) 20-stage GM Ringway is designed to be accessed by public transport.
Volunteers have now waymarked over 160 miles of the 200-mile trail. It is expected that the trail will be fully waymarked by the end of June 2024. The small white wayfinding discs are believed to be the first roundels installed on footpaths in England to include a QR code which when scanned with a mobile phone, takes the users directly to the GM Ringway website.
The GM Ringway website holds all the information people need to use the trail. This includes interactive maps, details of the terrain to be expected on each stage, and facilities such as cafes, pubs and toilets along the way.
The trail is supported by a £250,000 Heritage Fund grant. The project has also received a £2,000 grant from Ramble Worldwide Outdoor Trust and £10,000 from TfGM’s Cycle & Stride for Active Lives initiative.

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