Ravensheugh Sands and Seacliff (Free Route)

Route Summary

A circular walk along Ravensheugh Sands to Seacliff on the gorgeous East Lothian coast. One short section at Scoughall Rocks may be impassable at high tide so check tide tables before starting. The scenery and wildlife is superb throughout

Difficulty: Moderate

Distance:  8.2 miles (13.2 km)

Walking Time: 03h 15m

Type: Circular

Start location

Tyninghame Links Car Park NT627809

lat: 56.0197725

lon: -2.5990655

Getting there

There is no public transport to Tyninghame Links car park. Bus Service 120 leaves from North Berwick and Dunbar to Limetree Walk, on the A198. This leaves 1.25-mile walk to start.

Route Map

Route Map for ravensheugh-sands-and-seacliff




Begin from Tyninghame Links Car Park, which sits 1.25 miles east of the A198. Walk through the car park passing a ‘path to beach’ signpost. Once through a gate follow a woodland track southeast towards the coast. After 0.5 miles the track splits so keep left and continue through a line of large concrete blocks, remnants of World War II sea defences. Upon reaching an old wall continue to a gate and turn right where a broader track soon leaves the woodland behind and proceeds over scrubby grassland, culminating at the rocky headland of St Baldred’s Cradle (NT638813).


Bear left and walk northwest along a grassy then sandy path. At an information board descend onto the golden expanse of Ravensheugh Sands (NT627815) that stretches north and provides a superb view of Bass Rock, home to the largest Northern gannet colony in the world. Walk along the soft sand, crossing a couple of burns – these will cause no problems at low tide but higher tides may mean feet getting wet. Beyond Peffer Sands, the route reaches Scoughall Rocks (NT620829).


At points this section can be a little awkward underfoot (and may be blocked at high tide), as stones and larger rocks have to be crossed. However it is short lived and highlights the diversity of the walk, as it passes a series of secluded coves, containing some interesting geological features. Once through an obvious gap between two crags, round the headland to pass St Baldred’s Cross to reach Seacliff (NT698846).


Retrace steps about ½ way along the top of the beach then climb wooden steps to a small car park (NT605845). Turn right, follow a single-track road then beyond a barrier turn left onto a minor road. Just before a cottage fork left, follow the road past an archway then go left at the next fork. The road proceeds through open countryside. At a crossroads go right, where a track skirts woodland to reach another track on the left. Follow this beside a wall, turn right through a gap and continue south to Scoughall (NT615833).


Just before some buildings turn right onto a road and at the next junction keep left around a gate. Another road then heads through Pefferside, crossing a footbridge over the Peffer Burn. From here follow a rougher track to a crossroads, a little east of Lochhouses (NT617821). Here make a left.


Go round a gate and follow a track towards dunes, until it swings right at a signpost for Tyninghame Links. The track now heads southeast alongside the dunes into woodland. When it splits turn left, pass through a gate and walk back to Tyninghame Links, going through one a final gate to reach car park.