Trustee Recruitment

Could you help govern the Ramblers?

We’re looking for new trustees to help our charity grow and develop. Could you be one of them?


Who are we looking for?

We need five people to bring their skills and experience to the board of trustees. We are looking for a new chair, honorary treasurer and three ordinary members. You’ll share your insights, bring your own perspectives, and help ensure the Ramblers is delivering its charitable objectives.

We welcome applications from all parts of the membership, and actively seek to diversify the views and lived experiences represented on the board.


What’s involved?

Our trustees have collective responsibility for governing the Ramblers and directing how it is managed and run by our executive staff team. You won’t get involved in the day-to-day running of the charity, but your strategic oversight will shape our future and ensure we make best use of our resources in delivering our objectives. You'll serve a three-year term from April 2024, attending five board meetings a year plus other meetings and events as needed. Members of the Ramblers’ General Council will vote to elect our new trustees on 20 April 2024.


What’s in it for me?

Being a trustee can be a rewarding experience. You’ll be giving your time and expertise to a cause you feel passionate about, learning new skills, and developing a deeper understanding of our work and its outcome for walkers. We offer training and ongoing support to all trustees.


How do I apply?

The trustee vacancies nomination pack is available to download. The pack contains information about the board of trustees, role profiles for each of the vacancies, and details about eligibility and how to submit a nomination. If you have any questions about the trustee vacancies please email Simon Kellas (Head of governance) on


dramatic cotswold landscape with a rainbow covering the sky and land

The board of trustees and sub-committees

The board of trustees role is to determine the strategy for achieving our mission and to oversee the strategy implementation across our activities.


Our trustees

As a charity, the Ramblers has up to 15 trustees at any time. Find out who makes up our current Board of Trustees.