Assemble has been removed

After feedback from volunteers, Assemble has been removed and can no longer be accessed. By removing Assemble, we aim to create a better experience and make better use of the systems that we already have.
Where can I now go to access training and support?
On our new Volunteering page, you’ll be able to access all our volunteer resources, such as walk leader guidance and publicity materials, as well our training courses.
If you support other volunteers, you’ll also be able to access details and update us of any changes to roles within your Area, Group or Team.
Why have we made changes to how you access training and support?
We want it to be as easy as possible for you to find the training and support for your role. It’s clear from your feedback that having to use Assemble means lots of volunteers are missing out on this support. That’s why we’re moving this onto our website, so everything you need is accessible in one place.

Our Volunteering Hub has everything you need to know about volunteering with the Ramblers, whether you’re a seasoned pro or just checking us out for the first time.
Online Training
Access training courses through our online training library. This includes any training that is mandatory for your volunteering role, as well as other relevant courses.

Supporting other volunteers
If you support other volunteers as part of your role, use the online form to tell us about new volunteers or roles. You can also let us know of any training that has taken place offline, by filling out the offline training spreadsheet.