This "old favourite" starts from Crookham Common car park and skirts round the north-east side of Greenham Common before dropping down to the Kennet and Avon Canal via Chamberhouse Farm. Turning east, we head towards Chamberhouse Mill before turning south to climb to Crookham Common and George's Farm. Our route back to the car park is via the River Enborne, Headley Ford, and Crookham Common. There is one bridge over a culvert where a warning notice states that it may be unsuitable and an alternative route should be found, but at the time of the recce it did not appear any more dangerous than walking on the towpath.
This walk is limited to 18 walkers so, please book online using the website link.
Some of the paths are very overgrown and care will need to be taken to avoid slippery surfaces, tree routes, fallen branches, loose stones and rocks, and other natural hazards such as nettles and brambles. If there has been significant rainfall before the walk then some of the paths will be muddy.