Starting from the main Car Park (Fee £6 payable by card, or cash) next to Ogmore beach we walk alongside the river to Ogmore castle where we begin our moderate climb (on a terraced road) to Ogmore Down. We follow the Bridgend Circular Walk across the down, which will afford some long distance views of the surrounding area. Our route then decends to the village of St Brides Major ( one of the trial places for the 20 mph zones. Interestingly many of the 20 mph signs have been blacked out there!). After walking through the village we pick up the Valeways Millenium Heritage Trail which takes us through some beautiful farmland, and down through a bluebell wood, to reach our lunch stop at Dunraven Bay. There will be an opportunity to visit Dunraven Park for those who wish to do so. After lunch we have a short climb to access the Wales Coast Path, which we follow back to our starting point in the car park. Please note the area of the car park we will be meeting at.