Contact Preferences Information

We would like to use your personal details to tell you about the impact you make, and to inform you about our latest news and offers. We may also let you know about other ways you could help us, such as by donating or volunteering. 

We will always ask for your consent if we want to contact you by email or text message with marketing content – for example telling you about a local campaign; however, we do not normally ask for consent to telephone you or write to you if you are a supporter. This is because we want to keep in touch with you and tell you what we’ve achieved together. By providing your telephone number and postal address we assume that you are happy to hear from us in this way. If you do not wish to receive contact from us by phone or post, you can change your preferences at any time, through your account.

For more information please check our privacy policy

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Group walking in countryside

Renew your membership

By renewing your membership of the Ramblers, you’ll continue protecting the places we all love to walk.

A man and woman walking

Membership – your questions answered

Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about membership of the Ramblers. We look forward to welcoming you.

Man and woman walking

Concessionary Membership

Ramblers membership is for everyone, so we can boost Britain’s wellbeing one step at a time. That’s why we offer a special concessionary membership.