The Christmas lunch will be held at the Regency Rooms (part of the Conservative Club in Shanklin) at 12.00am for 12.30pm on Saturday 9th December.
The cost is £25, which includes a free raffle and gratuities for the staff. The choice of menu is:
Sweet potato and parsnip soup
- served with crusty bread and butter
Brie wedges and cranberry dip
Roast turkey and all the trimmings
- served with stuffing, pigs in blankets and roast potatoes
Vegetarian option on request. Please book in advance.
Both of the above are served with seasonal vegetables.
Coffee and mince pies
How to book
Please insert your preferred choice on the reverse of a cheque made payable to The Isle of Wight Ramblers and send this to our organiser,
Ann Cable,
7 Hedley Court,
74 Victoria Avenue,
by 2nd December.
All members, guests and other walkers are very welcome.