A stunning, varied walk through the heart of the Hertfordshire countryside, with ups (including 12 very steep steps) and downs, generally easy walking, some nice road walking, pretty villages and great views.
When I did the recce it was a glorious, freezing, sunny winter’s day: perfect walking weather. If there has been rain expect mud and if you don’t have poles we go through woods and groves with sticks aplenty to collect as you go. If it’s icy, there could be the added risk of slips. Wear footwear with good grippy soles.
Refreshments available before & after the walk at the Chequers. The landlord is happy to have us use the carpark & will open at 9:15am when you can use the facilities - and purchase tea/coffee and bacon butties (£7)!
PLEASE LET ME KNOW BY TUESDAY 4TH FEB IF YOU WANT TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS as I don’t want him to go to the trouble if no-one is going to take him up.