A rural walk, passing through Henstridge, over fields, paths, tracks, lanes and a short section of the A30. Mainly flat but with a short steep climb at the end also some stiles and footbridges over steams.
Step 1. Before 09.45 All walkers park at Kington Magna church on adjacent streets, select volunteer drivers.
Step 2. Volunteer drivers and their cars take the remaining walkers to the start point of the walk at Stalbridge public car park.
Step3. At Stalbridge car park leave volunteers cars and all walkers assemble for the start of the walk.
Step4. Walk from Stalbridge to Kington Magna.
Step5. Arrive at Kington Magna and more volunteers collect first volunteers.
Step6a. Second volunteer drivers take the first volunteers back to walk start at Stalbridge cp.
Step6b. Remaining walkers depart.
Step 7. Second volunteer drivers and first volunteer drivers at Stalbridge cp and depart.
Registered Assistance Dogs only.
Booking opens at 10.00 31/07/24 and closes 10.00 06/08/24
Email a contact phone number to the walk leader using the link in the black box near the top of the page.