A Market town in Lancashire, and not too far from home, we expect the coach to park within the town. With walks on offer today possibly taking you up into Grize Dale, or along the Wyre Way, or, may be, along part of the Lancaster Canal. Wherever you go there are lots of cafes and pubs for refreshments after.
There will be three walks available with full details available on the coach, from the more strenuous to easy, depending on the walk selected. Walk Leaders today will be -
A Walk Leader - Dave White
B Walk Leader - Carol Gummerson
C Walk Leader - Dave Eccles - 6.5 to 7 miles, with no steep climbs. Highest point is 230ft, with a total ascent of 510ft. Five low stiles, one slightly damaged but still useable with care. All paths in good condition with the final mile along the Lancaster Canal towpath before turning right onto the Wyre Way back into Garstang.