- Grid reference:
- SJ 97517 18868
- Nearest postcode:
- ST17 0TN
- what3words:
- wire.tinkle.typed
- Start time:
- 10:00 am
Chase Vista car park, Chase Road, Brocton. BEWARE - there are a couple of nasty pot-holes near to the turning for the car park.
Chase Road Brocton is the very narrow, sharp turning off the green in the very centre of Brocton. Proceed past the nursery on your left; the car park is on your right.
If you are approaching from the opposite direction, proceed along Brocton Road, past Chase Road Corner car park, the Glacial Boulder, and the turning for Freda's Grave. The car park is on your left shortly after the Freda's Grave turning.
If you are unfamiliar with the area, this might be good opportunity to try what3words.