A walk of great variety in gentle woods and meadows. The walk follows, for part of the way, two of the long distance footpaths in the Southeast: the Wealdway and the Vanguard Way.
There a few nettles and brambles and it could be muddy in places if there has been rain. Several stiles. We have to walk some way down a fairly busy road from the station to begin the walk.
This walk is not suitable for dogs as there is livestock in one or two fields (sheep and cattle).
There is one pub enroute a little early for lunch, however we can stop there briefly for a drink and to use the toilets, as there are no more until the end of the walk. We will stop for lunch in a field. Please bring a packed lunch.
There are two pubs near Buxted Station for anyone who might like to stop for a drink at the end of the walk.
No booking required.
Take the 10.07am train from London Bridge Station arriving at Buxted Station at 11.16am.
Return trains to London at 37 minutes past the hour.
The finishing time is an estimate only and will be dependent on a number of factors, such as the weather, the speed at which the group walks, and the number of breaks taken.