A moderate- to brisk-paced circular walk with some ascent - about 5.5 hours net walking - led by Thomas G (Mobile No: 07775 676092) joint with Kensington, Chelsea & Westminster Group.
Route: Haslemere Station, Marley Common, HOOP via The Ridge, Linchmere Common, Hammer Bottom, Bramshott Common, Waggoners Wells, Grayshott, Whitmore Vale and Hindhead to Gibbet Hill and Temple of the Four Winds. Descent to Haslemere Station via Invall and Coombe Head.
Lunch Stop: pub lunch at Grayshott at 'The Fox & Pelican' pub or bring a picnic.
Drop-outs for bus to station from Grayshott/Hindhead.
Further details about the walk at https://www.ramblers.org.uk/go-walking/group-walks/hoop-haslemere-outer-orbital-path-westerly-half.