From Stoke Point we’ll head along the cliff path before turning inland to walk through the village of Noss Mayo where, tide permitting, we’ll cross the causeway to head back and pick up the coast path again. We’ll walk along Revelstroke Drive, a 19th century carriage way, and see Napoleonic and Second World War sea defences as well as big skies and views out to sea in clear weather.
Muddy and a bit slippy in places. Ups and downs with a final up back to the car park. Dogs on leads. Stiles have accompanying gates!
Bring a drink for our coffee stop and something to eat for our lunch.
Please book onto this walk by texting the walk leader. Please do not email.
In view of the distance we recommend car sharing. Walk leader will not be at Pixon Lane car park, but if you are able to offer a lift or would like a lift, the meeting point is the free car park at Pixon Lane. Car sharing is not guaranteed.